Jobs for Abington Heights School District in Clarks Summit, PA
EXPIRED: Please use above search fields to find current Job offers.
Applications are being accepted for the following positions in the
Abington Heights
School District for the
2019-2020 school year:
Extra Duty, Extra Pay
Coaching Vacancies:
Varsity Track
Varsity Baseball
Boys Volleyball
Boys Tennis
Varsity Girls Softball
Girls Volleyball
Competitive Cheerleading
Jr. High Soccer
Jr. High Field Hockey
Freshman Girls Basketball
Certificated Positions:
Full Time High School Emotional Support Teacher-Special Education certification required
Full Time Elementary Health & Physical Education Teacher- Health & Physical Education certification required
Long Term Substitute English Teacher-English certification
All certificated candidates should send a letter of intent, resume,
standard Pa. application, Act 34,
Act 151, Act 114, Act 31, Act 168 clearances and transcripts to the
Human Resources Office,
200 E Grove St,
Clarks Summit, Pa 18411.
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. E.O.E.
Jun 09, 2019.
Abington Heights School District Education Jobs from Scranton Times